Legal Disclaimer

The Vocal Toolkit website provides information that is intended, but is not guaranteed, to be accurate and up-to-date. This information is presented as a resource primarily for well-trained teachers of voice who have the knowledge to apply the concepts here safely and successfully. The information presented here is not presented as a source of medical advice and all exercises, teaching and singing recommendations, and other content should be screened for its suitability to you or those whom you train, coach, manage, etc. by well-trained, reputable vocal professionals and competent medical doctors specializing in the voice.
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While the Vocal Toolkit team makes every effort to present the best, up-to-date practices backed by vocal science, Vocal Toolkit, its boards, writers, and anyone else affiliated with Vocal Toolkit in any capacity does not endorse, guarantee, or warranty the accuracy of any information, product, or service presented on this site.
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